Results for "part 36"
Care Proceedings
Care proceedings can be brought by social services if they are concerned about the health and welfare of your ...
Child Abduction And Relocation
Child abduction and relocation cases are some of the most complex family law matters. We are highly experienced in both ...
Askews Legal LLP is a highly accredited Legal 500 recommended law firm. We are known throughout Coventry and Warwickshire for taking care of our ...
- Employment Law
Sleep-in Time – What are you entitled to?
On Friday 19 March 2021, the Supreme Court delivered its judgement in Tomlinson-Blake v Royal Mencap Society. It was a long-awaited decision, ...
- Commercial Conveyancing
- Residential Conveyancing
Conveyancing COVID-19 Guidance
Coronavirus (COVID-19) is having an impact across the whole home moving industry. You will find the process very different from the way it was before ...
- Employment Law
The new Fit For Work service: What is it and how does it work?
In 2011 the Government announced that it planned to introduce a new health and work scheme, aimed at helping employers and employees facilitate a ...