Results for "lasting power"
Estate Planning
More people are turning to specialists in estate planning to protect their wealth for the benefit of their loved ...
Wills, Estates, and Trusts
Our highly experienced team will guide you through creating a Will, family Trust, or applying for Probate. Tax, estate, and succession planning are ...
- Family Law
What is a Deputyship & who can apply?
The past year has thrown us all many a curve ball and lots of people have contracted Covid 19, and sadly some are still living with the long-term ...
- Uncategorised
COVID 19 – A Chance to take stock!
COVID 19 – A Chance to take stock! The current pandemic has given us plenty of opportunity to take stock and realise that nothing can be taken for ...
Askews Legal LLP – Independent Legal Advice Warwickshire
At Askews Legal, our commitment to providing top-quality, independent legal advice extends beyond Coventry, reaching out to the entire Warwickshire ...
- Uncategorised
How Safe Are Electric And Self-Driving Cars?
In late April, Boris Johnson upped the stakes on meeting climate change targets. Two days before addressing 40 world leaders at Joe Biden’s ...