Results for "cts"
- Civil Litigation
- Commercial Law
- Criminal Law
- Regulatory
£260 Million of Fraud Unreported by SMEs
In a recent survey of 500 SMEs conducted by Slater and Gordon, the results showed nearly one in five (18 per cent) of business owners and managers ...
- Uncategorised
Counterfeit Goods May Be Common but Selling Them is a Crime
The trade in so-called “knock off” goods is nowadays so widespread that people tend to forget that it is criminal. In one case, a ...
- Family Law
- Wills, Estates and Trusts
Home-Made Wills Save Money – Oh No They Don’t!
Home-made wills, executed without legal advice, are an exceedingly bad idea and if there was ever a case which proved the point it must be that of a ...
- Family Law
Not Enough Money to Go Round after Divorce? Dependants Take Priority
In a large number of divorce cases in which there is insufficient money to go round, the courts will almost always prioritise the needs of ...
- Employment Law
TUPE: A Short Overview for Small Businesses
What is TUPE? The immediate answer that springs to mind is ‘a nightmare’, but in fact ‘TUPE’ stands for the Transfer of Undertakings ...
- Criminal Law
- Employment Law
Have you been bitten in the workplace?
For those of you who have children, we’ve all been there. Whichever playgroup you go to, there will always be one or two children that spoil it for ...
- Employment Law
Mobile workers, travel time and the Working Time Regulations
The issue of whether mobile workers’ travelling time between their home and the premises of their first and last customers counts as ‘working ...
- Employment Law
Permitting the use of electronic cigarettes in the workplace…or not?
Smoking at work has been effectively prohibited since the Health Act outlawed smoking in enclosed places on 1 July 2007. We have become ...
- Employment Law
1st June 2015 is the start date of Pensions Auto-Enrolment for small employers
New figures from the Pensions Regulator show that the number of penalty notices issued to employers who have not complied with their auto-enrolment ...
- Employment Law
Settlement Agreements: Why it’s so important to get advice from a specialist Employment Solicitor
They may look fairly straightforward on the surface, but settlement agreements can often be complex for both employer and employee. Whether you are ...