Results for "cts"
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The SDLT Holiday and how long will it last
The SDLT Holiday and how long will it last There is no debating that the chancellor’s decision on 8th July 2020 to allow for a break from our ...
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How Gifts in wills help Cancer Research
STAMPEDE is a very special trial looking at new combination treatments for prostate cancer. In Birmingham, Professor Nick James has been leading the ...
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Stamp Duty Holiday
We were all waiting for the current budget with bated breath. Where the economy has shrunk by 25%, vastly more than that of the great depression, ...
- Commercial Conveyancing
- Residential Conveyancing
Conveyancing COVID-19 Guidance
Coronavirus (COVID-19) is having an impact across the whole home moving industry. You will find the process very different from the way it was before ...
- Uncategorised
Coronavirus: Potential Impact On Business Lease
The World Health Organisation has now declared the COVID-19 outbreak to be a pandemic and it is a major concern for commercial landlords and tenants. ...
- Uncategorised
Conveyancing transactions on “hold/paused” during the National lock-down period
The World Health Organisation (“WHO”) has declared the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), a pandemic. In response, the UK Government/Public ...
- Family Law
Who pays the lay advocate?
In recent years, a common problem has arisen in family cases where one or more of the parties requires the assistance of an intermediary or lay ...
- Commercial Law
Does the Coronavirus outbreak constitute ‘Force Majeure’?
The recent outbreak of the Coronavirus has had considerable impact on the public life and business operations in and with China. As the outbreak does ...
- Commercial Law
Askews top tips for new businesses
If you have a fledgling business idea, make sure you protect any intellectual property to avoid any potential negative impact. Ensure you have ...
- Commercial Conveyancing
- Residential Conveyancing
Desmond Higgins and the Commissioners for HMRC
Desmond Higgins and the Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, [2019] EWCA Civ 1860. Capital Gains Tax (CTG) is always a factor to ...