Results for "app"
- Criminal Law
- Employment Law
Have you been bitten in the workplace?
For those of you who have children, we’ve all been there. Whichever playgroup you go to, there will always be one or two children that spoil it for ...
- Employment Law
Facebook and dismissal
An Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) case provides a useful reminder to businesses of the importance of maintaining an effective social media policy, ...
- Employment Law
Statutory Holidays and Sickness Absence
The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has held that the Working Time Directive (2003/88/EC) does not require workers on sick leave to provide evidence ...
- Employment Law
A reminder of online and email risks to your business
This briefing highlights the risks all employees should be aware of when using e-mail and the internet at work, sending work related e-mails or ...
- Employment Law
Increase to National Minimum Wage
Increase to National Minimum Wage New National Minimum Wage (NMW) rates will apply from 1st October 2015. The new hourly rates will be as follows: ...
- Family Law
Divorce settlements
In a recent Court ruling, divorce settlements and ancillary relief matters will be affected in the way they have been previously calculated. Divorced ...
- Wills, Estates and Trusts
Get your will right
A recent court ruling will have a major impact in the way future wills are written. A judge has ruled that your will can be ignored if it has not ...
- Employment Law
Permitting the use of electronic cigarettes in the workplace…or not?
Smoking at work has been effectively prohibited since the Health Act outlawed smoking in enclosed places on 1 July 2007. We have become ...
- Employment Law
Settlement Agreements: Why it’s so important to get advice from a specialist Employment Solicitor
They may look fairly straightforward on the surface, but settlement agreements can often be complex for both employer and employee. Whether you are ...
- Employment Law
Garden Leave: What does it actually mean?
This briefing explains when a business may be able to place an employee on garden leave. What is garden leave? When an employee decides to leave ...