Results for "app"
- Motoring offences
Tougher speeding laws are on the way in 2017
New sentencing guidelines for magistrates will mean higher penalties for drivers who commit the most serious speeding offences. Fines will start from ...
- Employment Law
2017 will see some changes in Employment Law. How will they affect you?
Mandatory gender pay gap reporting The most significant change will be the mandatory gender pay gap reporting. To address the pay gap between women ...
- Employment Law
Employment law – what to expect in 2017 at a glance
Hot topics Given that a substantial amount of domestic employment law is derived from Europe, including the Working Time Regulations (holiday ...
- Employment Law
Works Christmas Party: Punch Ups and overly friendly colleagues. Can conduct outside of work warrant a fair dismissal?
With the much anticipated works Christmas party just around the corner, it is important that employers consider what constitutes inappropriate ...
- Employment Law
Obesity may be a disability
A recent case from the European Court of Justice has confirmed the legal position in relation to discrimination and employees who are obese. Firstly, ...
- Civil Litigation
- Commercial Law
- Criminal Law
- Regulatory
£260 Million of Fraud Unreported by SMEs
In a recent survey of 500 SMEs conducted by Slater and Gordon, the results showed nearly one in five (18 per cent) of business owners and managers ...
- Uncategorised
Counterfeit Goods May Be Common but Selling Them is a Crime
The trade in so-called “knock off” goods is nowadays so widespread that people tend to forget that it is criminal. In one case, a ...
- Landlord and Tenant
The cost of bad eviction advice
The average cost to a landlord of their tenant being advised to ignore an eviction notice stands at nearly £7,000, according to a recent survey of ...
- Family Law
- Wills, Estates and Trusts
Home-Made Wills Save Money – Oh No They Don’t!
Home-made wills, executed without legal advice, are an exceedingly bad idea and if there was ever a case which proved the point it must be that of a ...
- Criminal Law
IT Boss Resorted to £300,000 Tax Fraud to Save Her Business
Small businesses are often like families and directors feel a very personal obligation towards their employees. However, in one striking case, a ...