Results for "app"
Sharon Chohan
Keep up the good ...
Francine Gardner
Dai Dave was helpful and informative about drawing up a legal document and was always ready to answer any queries or go throw anything I was unclear ...
Bradley Stone
Wonderful ...
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Differences between Freehold and Leasehold Properties
Askews Legal LLP are a firm of Solicitors based in Coventry who deal with various transactions, including Freehold and Leasehold sales and purchases. ...
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The Common Questions Surrounding Commercial Property Standard Enquiries (CPSEs)
Pre-contract enquiries can be time consuming and look cumbersome but replies to enquiries are an important source of information for a buyer and a ...
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Are you maximising your business at the expense of your employees’ wellbeing?
As an employer, you have a duty of care to your employees for their health, safety and general wellbeing. Within any industry, there can be a ...
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The Kinks and Snags of Defective Works
Giving Jesus back his curly locks did not go so well for Cecilia Gimenez. The Spaniard, who gained notoriety in 2012 for the results of her attempt ...
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Rent Review Clauses in Commercial Leases
Most commercial property leases exceeding three years in length will contain provisions requiring the parties to review the annual rent payable under ...
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Checking a title on Unregistered property
Askews Legal LLP are a firm of Solicitors based in Coventry who can help you with a stress-free move. If you are planning to sell or buy an ...
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The Slippery Slope of Social Media
The English language is not short of sayings about actions having unforeseen consequences. Act in haste, repent at leisure is one. You reap what you ...