Results for "a day"
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National Minimum Wage – inadvertent breaches are easier than you think!
The National Minimum Wage (NMW) was introduced in April 1999 as a way of tackling poverty. Although the run up to its introduction was not ...
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The vaccine dilemma…a case of be injected or be dismissed..?
As with everything related to coronavirus, there is a lot that remains unknown. So, what are the potential repercussions for an employee who refuses ...
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We approach that time of the year when ordinarily, staff would let their hair down at their annual Christmas party. Whilst the usual highlight of the ...
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Priti Patel saga puts workplace bullying in the limelight
Rather suitably, Anti-Bullying Week 2020 saw workplace bullying make the headlines courtesy of the Home Secretary, Priti Patel. Following the ...
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Covid-19 – Important Annual Leave Changes
This article briefly covers the new rules relating to annual leave as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. It is important for all businesses to be ...
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How Gifts in wills help Cancer Research
STAMPEDE is a very special trial looking at new combination treatments for prostate cancer. In Birmingham, Professor Nick James has been leading the ...
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Home Working
As all of those who viewed Tuesday’s Prime Ministerial broadcast would have seen, the government are reverting to their tried and tested message of ...
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How have Askews Legal reacted to the pandemic?
Nobody can prepare for anything like this. Panic sets in, events quickly unfold and what was an ebullient market is stopped in its tracks by the need ...
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Conveyancing transactions on “hold/paused” during the National lock-down period
The World Health Organisation (“WHO”) has declared the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), a pandemic. In response, the UK Government/Public ...
- Family Law
Home-working With Children
How should employers deal with employees wanting to work from home with their children following the school closures? Following the Government’s ...