Results for "Will+writing"
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Coronavirus: Potential Impact On Business Lease
The World Health Organisation has now declared the COVID-19 outbreak to be a pandemic and it is a major concern for commercial landlords and tenants. ...
- Employment Law
How should employers deal with COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
The government publishes daily updates at 2pm with the latest stats and advice. The risk level is currently identified as moderate. How can I reduce ...
- Employment Law
Need to suspend an Employee? Our Top Tips!
As a general rule, some employers will suspend employees when they are suspected of committing gross misconduct. However, employers should be ...
- Employment Law
School’s out but its business as usual?!
Whilst children are eagerly awaiting the end of the school year and the fun that the summer holidays hold for them, it is often a difficult time for ...
- Employment Law
The ‘Naked’ Truth of Redundancies
Two weeks ago, we saw the demise of a further restaurant chain. Jamie Oliver, known for being the Naked Chef, said he was devasted that 22 of his 25 ...
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The Kinks and Snags of Defective Works
Giving Jesus back his curly locks did not go so well for Cecilia Gimenez. The Spaniard, who gained notoriety in 2012 for the results of her attempt ...
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Askews Legal LLP are a firm of Solicitors in Coventry who have a dedicated residential conveyancing team that are experienced in dealing with ...
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A Practical Guide To Evicting Your Tenants
Here at Askews Legal LLP Solicitors in Coventry, we can help you with possession hearings. If you’ve got your possession order from the Court and ...
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What is the difference between a COT3 agreement and a settlement agreement?
If you have an immediate COT3 or settlement agreement contact us here to receive advice within 24 hours COT3 agreements and settlement agreements are ...
- Employment Law
Practical tips on providing a reference
There is no legal obligation to give a former employee a reference, albeit, the vast majority of organisations will do so in some shape or form. Many ...