Results for "Open"
- Family Law
Not Enough Money to Go Round after Divorce? Dependants Take Priority
In a large number of divorce cases in which there is insufficient money to go round, the courts will almost always prioritise the needs of ...
- Residential Conveyancing
High Quality Conveyancing Really Does Matter
In a case which underlined the importance of high-calibre conveyancing, residents of a 17th century mansion which had been partitioned into ...
- Employment Law
Employment Law Tips for Christmas
With Christmas approaching, it is wise to consider what employment law issues may arise in the workplace. These are just a few small considerations ...
- Employment Law
A reminder of online and email risks to your business
This briefing highlights the risks all employees should be aware of when using e-mail and the internet at work, sending work related e-mails or ...
- Residential Conveyancing
Conveyancing and misrepresentation
It was thought that a seller would be bound by their representations if made during the course of a conveyance. However in the recent case of Thorp ...
- Family Law
Divorce settlements
In a recent Court ruling, divorce settlements and ancillary relief matters will be affected in the way they have been previously calculated. Divorced ...
- Wills, Estates and Trusts
Get your will right
A recent court ruling will have a major impact in the way future wills are written. A judge has ruled that your will can be ignored if it has not ...
- Uncategorised
Can you live without free justice?
The current government is ploughing ahead with their plans to cut the Legal Aid Budget which goes to the heart of the Criminal and Civil Justice ...
- Uncategorised
Warwickshire solicitor to speak at Ladies First breakfast event
Warwickshire solicitor Sandra Garlick will be the guest speaker at the next Ladies First event at Nailcote Hall, Berkswell on 18th March 2015. Sandra ...
- Uncategorised
Askews Legal welcomes Richard Murray
Askews Legal LLP are delighted to welcome Richard Murray a Higher Court Advocate. Richard Murray brings 18 years of criminal defence experience to ...