Results for "No win"
- Employment Law
Is Dominic Cummings Protected By Whistleblowing Legislation?
Is Dominic Cummings Protected By Whistleblowing Legislation? In recent weeks, the newspapers have given extensive coverage to the Prime Minister’s ...
- Employment Law
What Employers Need To Know About Workplace Bullying And Harassment
Not since Diana, Princess of Wales declared on Panorama that there were “three in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded” has a royal interview ...
- Uncategorised
Buy now, pay the rest later! Deferred consideration
It is with increasingly regularity that transactions are brokered between buyers, sellers and agents where an element of the purchase price is ...
- Employment Law
Garden Leave – a win-win solution?
During an employee’s notice period and irrespective of whether it was the employer or employee who provided notice of termination, by exercising ...
- Commercial Law
Do not let unpaid bills become your business’s epitaph
How would you feel if after making it to the finish line in a race, you were told you had to run another mile, uphill, in order to get your medal? ...
- Uncategorised
Mental health matters in the workplace: Rome was not built in a day
This week is Mental Health Awareness week and mental health is now increasingly high on the political agenda. According to mental health charity ...
- Uncategorised
Owens v Owen: Has the time finally come for a ‘no fault divorce’ system?
Owens v Owen: Has the time finally come for a ‘no fault divorce’ system? Askews Legal LLP are specialist Divorce and Family Law ...
- Uncategorised
Japanese Knotweed – down the root by Pritpal Chahal
It is a common question that is raised with a seller when they are selling their property; is the property affected by Japanese Knotweed? Most ...
- Residential Conveyancing
Cybercrime – “Friday afternoon fraud”– how to safeguard against property fraud by Pritpal Chahal
A new wave of cybercrime is targeting residential conveyancing transactions. Fraudsters are aggressively targeting law firms that handle ...
- Employment Law
Do you know the procedure for dealing with requests for flexible working?
Flexible working requests are starting to come through following the changes to the rules in June last year. As you will recall from our bulletin at ...