Results for "Email"
Unfair And Wrongful Dismissal
Our team are well versed and highly experienced when it comes to representing employers facing claims of unfair or wrongful ...
When a business changes ownership, whether as a result of a purchase, merger, or takeover, existing employees are legally protected by ...
Repossession and Forfeiture
Repossession and forfeiture is a remedy landlords can use to gain possession of their commercial property if the tenant has breached a lease ...
Redundancy for Employers
While no business wants to make employees redundant, it is warranted and necessary in some ...
Residential And Commercial Property Disputes
Britain is a nation of homeowners and the concept of ‘my house, my castle’ runs ...
Why partner with us? We know that every business needs strong relationships to succeed. We welcome opportunities to partner with independent ...
Wills And Probate Disputes
Our team has a robust reputation for combining compassion with firmness to ensure arguments are resolved quickly and ...
Guarantees For Commercial Property Tenancies
Many commercial landlords require some form of guarantee from new tenants. ...
Insolvency Disputes
Using our expertise we devise a winning strategy to settle the dispute as quickly and cost-effectively as ...
Negotiating a Commercial Lease
We are a diverse, multi-lingual law firm that uses best-in-class technology to provide clients with streamlined, modern, and highly effective ...