Results for "E mail"
- Residential Conveyancing
Understanding the Difference Between Joint Tenants and Tenants in Common in Property Law
When two or more people purchase property together, they must decide how they will hold the property. This decision has significant legal and ...
- Criminal Law
Askews Legal LLP Secures Favourable Outcome in POCA Proceedings
As we celebrate the official launch of our dedicated Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) Department, we are delighted to share a recent success story ...
- Criminal Law
FAQs on the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA)
1. What is the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA 2022)? The POCA 2022 is designed to recover assets obtained through criminal activities. POCA gives ...
- Criminal Law
Our New POCA Department
At Askews Legal LLP, we have always put meeting the needs of the local community in Coventry and Warwickshire first and foremost. Therefore, to run ...
- Business Defence
What an Investigation by the Serious Fraud Office Means for Business Owners
The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) is the enforcement entity behind the UK’s effort to combat serious and complex fraud, bribery, and corruption. ...
- Family Law
The Role of Solicitors in Child Arrangement Disputes
Experienced Family Law Solicitors play a crucial role in resolving disputes regarding children. These disputes often arise from separation or divorce ...
- Criminal Law
Understanding the Role of a Criminal Barrister in England and Wales
The criminal justice system is a complex web of laws, procedures, and institutions designed to maintain law and order within society. At the ...
- Commercial Law
Understanding Commercial Property Litigation
Commercial property litigation encompasses a broad range of legal disputes arising from the ownership, management, and use of commercial real estate. ...
- Employment Law
Settlement Agreements – Why Independent Legal Advice Is Essential
Employment settlement agreements, play a crucial role in resolving disputes between employers and employees. A settlement agreement typically ...
- Criminal Law
Seeking a Criminal Law Solicitor: What to Expect in Your Consultation
Poor Roy Cropper. The Coronation Street stalwart has faced plenty of challenges over the last three decades, including the death of his beloved wife, ...