Results for "Complain"
- Uncategorised
Are you maximising your business at the expense of your employees’ wellbeing?
As an employer, you have a duty of care to your employees for their health, safety and general wellbeing. Within any industry, there can be a ...
- Uncategorised
What is the difference between a COT3 agreement and a settlement agreement?
If you have an immediate COT3 or settlement agreement contact us here to receive advice within 24 hours COT3 agreements and settlement agreements are ...
- Employment Law
Practical tips on providing a reference
There is no legal obligation to give a former employee a reference, albeit, the vast majority of organisations will do so in some shape or form. Many ...
- Employment Law
Bullying and Harrassment in the Workplace
Employers are responsible for preventing bullying and harassment in the workplace and it’s obviously in their interests, as well as being common ...
- Employment Law
Is bullying really just a childhood problem
I’m sure we’ve all been there, either ourselves or with our children – at the mercy of the bully. We’ve been told to ‘rise above it’, ...
- Employment Law
Key Issues You Should Consider When Providing a Reference
What are the key issues a business should consider before providing a reference for an employee or former employee? Types of reference A business is ...
- Residential Conveyancing
Conveyancing Woes
As Solicitors we strive to provide the best possible advice and service, however at times many Solicitors fail to deliver and one of the major areas ...
- Employment Law
Permitting the use of electronic cigarettes in the workplace…or not?
Smoking at work has been effectively prohibited since the Health Act outlawed smoking in enclosed places on 1 July 2007. We have become ...
- Employment Law
Do you know the procedure for dealing with requests for flexible working?
Flexible working requests are starting to come through following the changes to the rules in June last year. As you will recall from our bulletin at ...
- Uncategorised
Are you at risk of being fined for direct marketing calls?
A decision in the First-tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber: Information Rights) provides a reminder to businesses that they are legally ...