Results for "Child and family"
- Family Law
Divorce – What Is A MIAM And Do I Have To Attend One?
When people think of divorce lawyers, they often imagine people spending most of their day in the Family Court making brutal accusations against the ...
- Family Law
How can the Local Authority remove a child from their parent’s care?
Having the Local Authority involved with your family is incredibly distressing and daunting and perhaps one of the greatest concerns that parents ...
- Family Law
Separated parents – A child’s perspective
In situations where a child or young person is unable to live with one or both of their parents, the arrangements for the child or young person to ...
- Family Law
What is Parental Responsibility, who has it and how to obtain it
Parental Responsibility is a legal term which means: “all the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and authority which by law a parent of a ...
- Family Law
Grandparents – their rights and the wrongs
Despite what many people think, grandparents do not actually have the same legal rights for their grandchildren as the children’s parents. This ...
- Family Law
Taking your child abroad when you are separated
Askews Legal LLP are specialist Divorce and Family Law Solicitors in Coventry, your one stop shop for all round Family Law advice. As we approach the ...
- Uncategorised
Rights of grandparents to see grandchildren after relationship breakdown
What rights do grandparents have? Askews Legal LLP are specialist Divorce and Family Law Solicitors in Coventry, your one stop shop for any Family ...
- Uncategorised
Planning to take your children on holiday during school term time? Here’s what you need to know
It’s that time of year again, where up to 1 in 6 parents will take their children out of school during term time, to go on a family holiday. ...
- Civil Litigation
- Wills, Estates and Trusts
High Court Bends Over Backwards to Resolve Family Will Dispute
Newspaper columns are full of legal cases with crushing costs of litigation and it is easy to lose sight of the fact that it is the role of judges to ...
- Family Law
What is Parental Alienation?
An issue commonly raised in the Family Court is that of parental alienation. But what exactly is it and what forms does it take? Parental ...