Results for "ASK HR"
- Employment Law
Did you know? 10 top employment law tips
Lianne Payne, Head of Employment Law at Askews Legal LLP (incorporating De Marco Solicitors) shares her 10 top employment law tips: Did you ...
- Employment Law
Is bullying really just a childhood problem
I’m sure we’ve all been there, either ourselves or with our children – at the mercy of the bully. We’ve been told to ‘rise above it’, ...
- Employment Law
Key Issues You Should Consider When Providing a Reference
What are the key issues a business should consider before providing a reference for an employee or former employee? Types of reference A business is ...
- Employment Law
TUPE: A Short Overview for Small Businesses
What is TUPE? The immediate answer that springs to mind is ‘a nightmare’, but in fact ‘TUPE’ stands for the Transfer of Undertakings ...
- Criminal Law
- Employment Law
Have you been bitten in the workplace?
For those of you who have children, we’ve all been there. Whichever playgroup you go to, there will always be one or two children that spoil it for ...
- Residential Conveyancing
Conveyancing and misrepresentation
It was thought that a seller would be bound by their representations if made during the course of a conveyance. However in the recent case of Thorp ...
- Family Law
Divorce settlements
In a recent Court ruling, divorce settlements and ancillary relief matters will be affected in the way they have been previously calculated. Divorced ...
- Wills, Estates and Trusts
Get your will right
A recent court ruling will have a major impact in the way future wills are written. A judge has ruled that your will can be ignored if it has not ...
- Uncategorised
Can you live without free justice?
The current government is ploughing ahead with their plans to cut the Legal Aid Budget which goes to the heart of the Criminal and Civil Justice ...
- Employment Law
1st June 2015 is the start date of Pensions Auto-Enrolment for small employers
New figures from the Pensions Regulator show that the number of penalty notices issued to employers who have not complied with their auto-enrolment ...