Pam Sidhu
I am a proud member of the Askews Legal team, and I am principally responsible for Client Relationship and client retention.
My primary focus is to help improve the service levels offered by the firm and to identify any room for improvement and then to implement and execute them in a strategic way.
I am passionate about improving the service levels for our clients and take great pleasure in feeding back to our staff when they have excelled.
My experience in working in the public sector for over 20 years as stood me in great stead. I pride myself on my customer service skills and I love the fact that I am always learning new skills.
In my private life I love to go for long walks and love the countryside and nature. I also find meditation to be an excellent way of dealing with the stresses of life and helps me to bring the best out of me in whatever projects I am confronted with both in my private and home life.