• Employment Law

Mobile workers, travel time and the Working Time Regulations

The issue of whether mobile workers’ travelling time between their home and the premises of their first and last customers counts as ‘working ...

  • Employment Law

Permitting the use of electronic cigarettes in the workplace…or not?

  Smoking at work has been effectively prohibited since the Health Act outlawed smoking in enclosed places on 1 July 2007. We have become ...

  • Employment Law

Garden Leave: What does it actually mean?

This briefing explains when a business may be able to place an employee on garden leave. What is garden leave? When an employee decides to leave ...

  • Employment Law

The new Fit For Work service: What is it and how does it work?

In 2011 the Government announced that it planned to introduce a new health and work scheme, aimed at helping employers and employees facilitate a ...

  • Employment Law

Do you use zero hours contracts?

There has been a lot of emphasis on zero hour contracts in the media lately, with commentators and politicians wading in to say that they are a ...

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