Our New POCA Department

At Askews Legal LLP, we have always put meeting the needs of the local community in Coventry and Warwickshire first and foremost. Therefore, to run alongside our highly-regarded Criminal Defence Department and Civil Litigation team, we are opening a new specialist Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) Department. We will be assisting clients throughout the United Kingdom and advising and representing on discrete small matters as well as significant, high-profile cases.
Ryan Downes, a well-known, highly experienced POCA specialist, will head up the new department. As well as successfully advising and representing clients on POCA-related matters for many years, as part of the new department setup Ryan will be undertaking speaking engagements in the UK and eventually overseas. Plans are being made so that within the first few months of the new department being up and running a POCA conference will be held in Dubai, advising people on the POCA legislation and how it works post-order.
How our POCA team can help you
Our POCA Department can:
- Advise and represent you in confiscation proceedings under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 or the Criminal Justice Act 1988 and Drugs Trafficking Act 1994.
- Run appeals against Confiscation Orders.
- Advise and represent third-party interests in assets such as property or seized cash that are subject to confiscation proceedings related to another person.
- Deal with all post-order confiscation and enforcement matters in the Magistrates’ Court and Crown Court.
- Advise on section 22 applications where the Prosecution seeks to make or increase a Confiscation Order.
- Advise on section 23 applications where the Prosecution or Defence seek to decrease a Confiscation Order.
- Advise on applications to appoint a Receiver Over Assets.
- Advise and represent on variations and Restraint Orders.
- Advise and represent on cash forfeiture within the Magistrates’ Court.
- Advise and represent on Account Freezing Orders (AFO) within the Magistrates’ Court.
- Advise and represent on asset seizure within the Magistrates’ Court.
- Advise and represent people made subject to an Unexplained Wealth Order or Property Freezing Order.
- Provide bespoke POCA seminars in the UK and internationally.
Our team will work with specialist POCA barristers and KCs, forensic accountants, drug experts, and cryptocurrency experts to ensure our clients receive a robust defence. Every fortnight, from 1st July 2024, we will offer a free 20-minute POCA advice clinic on a designated evening. If you or a family member is subject to POCA proceedings or you have been adversely affected by proceedings brought against another person, please join us to receive expert legal advice on your matter.
To find out more about our new POCA Department, please call our office today on 02476 231000 or email enquiries@askewslegal.co
Please note that this article is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.