Category: Family Law
- Family Law
Filing for divorce
You don’t need to have a Solicitor acting for you to file for divorce. It of course helps to have a professional involved who will know the ...
- Family Law
- Residential Conveyancing
Relationship issues prevents first time buyers from seeking legal protection
It is becoming increasingly difficult for people to finance house purchases due to rising cost of homes, pushing those living on their own further ...
- Family Law
- Wills, Estates and Trusts
Home-Made Wills Save Money – Oh No They Don’t!
Home-made wills, executed without legal advice, are an exceedingly bad idea and if there was ever a case which proved the point it must be that of a ...
- Family Law
Not Enough Money to Go Round after Divorce? Dependants Take Priority
In a large number of divorce cases in which there is insufficient money to go round, the courts will almost always prioritise the needs of ...
- Family Law
Divorce settlements
In a recent Court ruling, divorce settlements and ancillary relief matters will be affected in the way they have been previously calculated. Divorced ...