Debt Recovery

At Askews, our solicitors understand how important effective debt recovery is to maintain strong cashflow and having the capital to meet your strategic goals.

Therefore, we have created a sophisticated Debt Recovery Portal that provides a fast, cost-effective way to get your outstanding invoices paid.

Using the best-in-class technology, our Debt-Claims Portal allows users to create an account and upload their details and those of the debtors, including how much is owed, contact details, addresses, steps taken to recover the debt etc.

The advantage of the Debt-Claims Portal is everything can be managed through one system. For example, if you need to send a Letter Before Action, you can create it through the portal. The letter will then be sent out on our branded Debt-Claims letterhead and actioned the same day, if the instruction is received before 14:00. Furthermore, there is no need to pay for a separate Solicitor.

To recover your outstanding debts quickly and cost-effectively, please register here.

Our specilist Business Debt Recovery Solicitors can also advise and represent you on more complex debt recovery law matters such as:

  • Dispute resolution.
  • Recovering debts when the Debtor is insolvent.
  • The Pre-Action Protocol for Debt Recovery.
  • Costs.

We are a diverse, multi-lingual law firm, with solicitors that use the best-in-class technology to provide clients with streamlined, modern, and highly effective commercial debt recovery advice and representation. Askews Legal has a wealth of experience in complex debt collection and has successfully guided SMEs and large organisations throughout the UK on the recovery process.

Below are the answers to some common debt recovery questions.

How can I recover an unpaid debt from an insolvent business?

What should I do if the Debtor disputes the debt owed?

What interest can I charge on late invoices?

Why choose us?

People choose and recommend us not just in Coventry, Nuneaton, Rugby and Leamington, but across Warwickshire, the Midlands and the whole of the UK., because we get results and in a majority of cases settle disputes outside of Court. Our Solicitors will take care of your debt recovery matter, ensuring you understand the options available and get the advice you need to protect your best interests.

To talk to us about complex debt recovery, please call us on Coventry 02476 231000 or email or otherwise, please create an account on our portal and start collecting your debts today.

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