Conveyancing transactions on “hold/paused” during the National lock-down period

The World Health Organisation (“WHO”) has declared the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), a pandemic. In response, the UK Government/Public Health England have issued a number of Directives on the matter and in particular the Government has produced guidance that all Conveyancing transactions unless already exchanged should exercise caution and delay the process until the country is out of lock down.
Whilst we have reassured our clients that there is no reason to pull out of the transaction, we as a country need to come together and follow Government guidance to stay at home and away from others at all times.
Following the above guidance, the Law Society has now also issued their own guidance regarding Conveyancing transactions.
The Law Society’s guidance instructs that all conveyancing transactions should be delayed until further notice, unless already exchanged prior to the lock down, in which case, negotiations between all party solicitors should be made to vary the contract conditions and extend the completion dates, if at all possible.
The Chair of the Conveyancing Association commented:
“At present, home moves should not be contemplated unless the need to move is critical. So, this guidance only applies to cases where contracts have already been exchanged and the parties involved have been unable to agree on a delay in completion. It outlines the relevant requirements that have been put in place by the Government to counter the spread of the virus, and what conveyancers need to do to work within them. Home moves can only occur where it is safe for them to do so.”
For that reason, in accordance with the above and to heed Government Directives, the Firms’ Conveyancing Department, has made the difficult decision as of close of business Friday 3rd April 2020 to place all Conveyancing transactions on hold/pause, until such time that the lock down period is over and we are otherwise instructed by both the Government and the Law Society, to continue. To safeguard our staff, we have also temporarily closed the Conveyancing department.
Whilst out of our control, we do apologise for any inconvenience caused and we hope you are staying safe and well during these unprecedented times.